NO HIDING behind Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome will have you feeling big stuck! 

Listen if you’ve ever felt it or you’re feeling that right now, I’m here to encourage you NOT to hide behind that. Life is always throwing things at us that we don’t feel quite ready for; nor worthy of but the time is NOW!

Two weeks ago I heard my pastor say “The thing you keep quitting is the thing the devil doesn’t want you to complete.” *oooo-wee* I felt so seen when he said that. I go back and forth and back and forth about how I want to show up in this world, but I know darn well that I desire to speak on big stages. So why do I quickly call myself an imposter whenever I’m presented with opportunities? I think it’s my knee jerk reaction when I’m sensing discomfort. But we all know growth comes from uncomfortable situations. 

So I tackled my imposter syndrome head on and said “YES” to being a guest on Wives Wine Down with Best selling author, content creator, and host  Shonda Brown White!! I believed I belonged in that space and that helped me to stop hiding and just show up. All I ever want to do is show up and be me; inhabiting my truth…knowing it’s enough. So that’s exactly what I did and it felt really good! 

Watch the replay below!

And as for you, go to the mirror and remind your reflection that you are NOT an imposter! 

Rooting for you, Fam! – 

Be sure to follow @ShondaBWhite on Instagram and tune into Wives Wine Down Wednesdays at 8PM est.
