Cold Feet Can Be Made Warm Again [faith]

The sermon this morning penetrated my heart and met me exactly where I am right now. 

In this season of greater, the devil is studying us more than ever. Like a coach watches film to prepare for a game and expose weaknesses in the opponent, the devil is doing the same. He’s pinpointing the areas in which we are weak and capitalizing on those weaknesses because he knows that’s where we are vulnerable. 
The last two weeks I’ve felt more of an attack on my identity and a need for it to be consistent in every space I occupy.
 I think it all boils down to the fact I’m scared.
  • Scared of what all God has called me to do
  • Scared of not being enough for that calling
  • Scared of not being clever/smart/creative enough
  • Etc. 

The fact is that, it’s new, it’s different and I’m not strong enough to do it on my own – and that’s scary. 

I’ve found myself retreating to old habits  (they aren’t all necessarily terrible), but I revert to them out of fear, because I’m comfortable doing those things. And just knowing that I go to them out of fear of walking into this newness, doesn’t sit right with me. I’ve developed a case of cold feet in some ways because I’ve lost some of my confidence in my future and in achieving this greater life The Lord has called me to. 
But as I write that, I’m reminded that cold feet can be made warm again! That when your feet are cold and have slipped out from underneath the covers, that all you have to do is stick those little piggies back underneath the covers where they belong!
That cover is God. The warmth from that cover is His promise. Put yourself underneath His mighty promise! He covers you with His warmth and love and security. He knows this world can be cold (that you’ll be cold to yourself at times), and that you’ll need to feel His warmth and closeness nearby which is why He coddles you in His blanket!!!
Although the struggle is real, God is far more REAL and GREATER than my struggles. He’s greater than my cold feet and He certainly has the cure for that too! I can’t let the devil lie to me about what God says about me. And I certainly cannot take the enemy’s lies and make them true for myself somehow by over thinking. They are lies. They are not true. I will be greater. And I am greater because He covers me! 