

I’m not so sure life was meant to be lived in a bubble, however at times I’ve found myself trying to create that type of atmosphere. It started off as a lifestyle change… When you’re changing, there are certain things you don’t want nor need to indulge in anymore. Much of my change was mental, …

Hiding.  Read More »


It’s scary to leave your “safe” place when you don’t have a script or instruction manual to know what to say or do. It’s scary to leave your “safe” place when what’s around you is new and foreign. It’s scary to leave your “safe” place for things that are unfamiliar. But what exactly are you …

Safe.  Read More »

Moving In [The “Unpacking” Series – Part 1]

You’ve found the PERFECT house/apartment and you’re super excited about moving in! 😃🎉 Limitless possibilities await as you brainstorm decorations, furniture placement, social events you’ll hold, meals you’ll prepare and more! It’s going to be so awesome!!! –> But do we just stop at the potential of awesomeness or actually create and live in that awesomeness?? …

Moving In [The “Unpacking” Series – Part 1] Read More »