Relinquish Life Live Life Relinquished Sun, 30 Oct 2022 22:39:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Relinquish Life 32 32 Just Throw it Away! Wed, 08 Dec 2021 22:39:16 +0000 Just Throw it Away! Read More »

Do you ever find yourself repeatedly doing something and every time you get to the end you realize you don’t like it? 
Ok, so I keep buying Starbucks Carmel macchiato coffee creamer LOL. Mind you, I don’t really drink coffee in the first place but on the slim chances I do, I want to reach for this creamer. Now every time I drink coffee with said creamer, I’m reminded that I DO NOT  like the taste of Carmel in my coffee (and not at work when I do those little international delight cup creamers either).
I’m not sure if it’s the packaging and how delicious it always looks/sounds to me or what, but without fail, I do this to myself at least 4 times a year lmao. And all with the same outcome – Lauren does NOT like Carmel flavoring in her coffee. But you know how it is, after you buy it, you feel obligated to use it since you spent money on it 😩 Welp. I’m here to tell myself and you to THROW THAT CREAMER AWAY! Hear me out!
It may not be a coffee creamer for you, but there may be something else you keep trying, using and hoping will work for you (simply because you’ve invested in it), but it’s really just not for you. 
Just throw the sh*t away, love! 
There’s no point in holding space for something that doesn’t serve you. Like my fridge is full right now, but that stupid bottle of Carmel macchiato creamer is just sitting in there taking up space. Whether you’re financially invested (bye bye $5.91), mentally or physically invested, it’s ok to realize you don’t need or want it anymore. I know changing our minds can feel like a big deal, but so what! You’re allowed to change your mind, pivot and go another direction. In this season of NO HIDING it’s important that we don’t hide behind outdated/outgrown things that do no serve a purpose. So here’s you’re reminder that if it’s no longer aligned/does not fit you – throw it away and move on! Trust your truth here – you’re worth trusting!
NO HIDING behind Imposter Syndrome Wed, 08 Sep 2021 19:19:23 +0000 NO HIDING behind Imposter Syndrome Read More »

Imposter syndrome will have you feeling big stuck! 

Listen if you’ve ever felt it or you’re feeling that right now, I’m here to encourage you NOT to hide behind that. Life is always throwing things at us that we don’t feel quite ready for; nor worthy of but the time is NOW!

Two weeks ago I heard my pastor say “The thing you keep quitting is the thing the devil doesn’t want you to complete.” *oooo-wee* I felt so seen when he said that. I go back and forth and back and forth about how I want to show up in this world, but I know darn well that I desire to speak on big stages. So why do I quickly call myself an imposter whenever I’m presented with opportunities? I think it’s my knee jerk reaction when I’m sensing discomfort. But we all know growth comes from uncomfortable situations. 

So I tackled my imposter syndrome head on and said “YES” to being a guest on Wives Wine Down with Best selling author, content creator, and host  Shonda Brown White!! I believed I belonged in that space and that helped me to stop hiding and just show up. All I ever want to do is show up and be me; inhabiting my truth…knowing it’s enough. So that’s exactly what I did and it felt really good! 

Watch the replay below!

And as for you, go to the mirror and remind your reflection that you are NOT an imposter! 

Rooting for you, Fam! – 

Be sure to follow @ShondaBWhite on Instagram and tune into Wives Wine Down Wednesdays at 8PM est.


NO HIDING Is… Sun, 08 Aug 2021 02:09:34 +0000 NO HIDING Is… Read More »

I think one of my favorite parts about our community and clothes is the purpose behind them and hearing what they mean for other people in their lives. The messages are universal, but how you apply it and embody it in your life is where it really matters!

We got the opportunity to work with some really dope peeps for our NO HIDING summer release and I wanted to take a minute and highlight what NO HIDING means to them:

“NO HIDING to me is being the best version of you within your own [personal] standards.”


To me NO HIDING is being transparent. Being who you are – flaws and all. Walking in your true self no matter what others may think”


NO HIDING to me means to come out of your shell and show up in the world as 100% yourself. I think you get more out of life by owning who you are.


What does NO HIDING mean for you?

NO HIDING behind “I don’t know” Thu, 22 Jul 2021 03:51:52 +0000 Have you ever just answered “I don’t know” just because it’s the easiest answer? I’ve grown so accustomed to doing that, that I’ve developed a really bad habit of NOT taking the time to ask myself what I want. And asking for what you want is such an important part of life! It’s like I’ve grown out of practice and even the simplest things like asking myself what I want to eat feels hard to answer sometimes.

When we don’t ask, we don’t get and you know the phrase – “A closed mouth doesn’t get fed.” So that makes me think – what are we hiding from ourselves that we don’t ask for?

I think sometimes we fall in the trap of feeling like we have to have all the answers, but that’s false. Some answers come over time. You can also make a choice and pivot later too! But just all together not asking yourself is a dangerous pit to fall into. Asking allows us to expand our thinking and dream bigger.

When I’ve taken the time to boldly ask for what I want, I’ve manifested those things! But It wasn’t  just a one and done thing. I took the  time every morning to write down the same list of goals . I also wrote them as if they’d already happened. It’s amazing how writing down goals and dreams allows us to be super intentional about our lives. There’s so much power in being able to advocate for ourselves.

Last year, was my first year writing my goals/dreams out and by the end of the year most of things had come to fruition! We had a baby on the way; We cleared most of the debt; We had our best financial year ever; We worked with coaches/counselors; We grew the Relinquish community and more! Like none of it would have been possible if I were hiding behind believing I don’t know what I want.

I believe that you know what you want too, but you may just need a little encouragment to dive deeper to get it. I’d also challenge you not to play small, but to dream and ask big. Don’t worry I’m still working on asking boldy too, but we can’t hide behind not asking. We’ve got to keep knocking down the barriers that hold us back.

So what do you want, but are not asking for currently?

*If you’re just now joining us, check out the intro video below and be sure to shop our NO HIDING tees here!

Launching the NO HIDING Season

If you’d like to reach out, please email me at

NO HIDING – It’s Time to Dive In! Wed, 14 Jul 2021 17:45:54 +0000 NO HIDING – It’s Time to Dive In! Read More »


DISCLAIMER: NO HIDING will cause some uncomfortable moments. In fact, whenever we do anything new, it causes some discomfort – it’s foreign and unfamiliar to us! But life is in embracing the changes. So please expect some discomfort and don’t let that hold you back.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s go ahead and get nice and uncomfortable. We gotta dive deeper where better awaits us. I know our natural inclination may be to look externally, but I think this season is calling for us to look more internally. So I challenge us to answer these questions:

  1. What am I hiding inside of me that no longer serves me?
    • Just because something is hidden, doesn’t mean it’s not still there. We need to remove those things that no longer serve us. A lot of times these are the things that we don’t like to talk about or try to avoid. We may feel like they’re gone if they haven’t come up in awhile, but unfortunately they’re still there if we choose not to work through them.
  2. What am I holding space for that I don’t need?
    • Sometimes we unconsciously (and consciously) hold space and give energy to things (i.e. fears, anxieties, old mindsets, bad habits, people…)
  3. Am I hiding any parts of me?
    • Are we omitting parts of our personality, passions, gifts to fit a particular box? Have we tucked small pieces of ourselves away to be more palatable?
  4. Am I hiding behind anything?
    • Most of us are. Fear and anxiety often masquerade as defense mechanisms. But they can easily become the things we hide behind so we don’t have to deal or go further.

I know that got deep kind of quickly, but time is of the essence here! Being able to answer these questions will provide so much freedom. It’ll also probably take some time. I’ve been asking myself these questions over the last 2 weeks and new things keep coming up. So I’d suggest you just start by posing these questions to yourself and also opening yourself up to receive.

Again, it may get a little uncomfortable, but that’s perfectly fine. Just keep asking and allowing yourself to dive deeper.



*If you’re just now joining us, check out the intro video below*

NO HIDING Season Wed, 07 Jul 2021 15:33:32 +0000 NO HIDING Season Read More »

I don’t know about y’all, but I want more love, more peace, more joy, more life, more freedom! I remember setting these intentions at the beginning of the year near my birthday and I heard God say “NO HIDING.

He showed me a vision where I’m standing on the beach on a sunny day and watching everyone else play and splash around in the water. I’m admiring their freedom and fun from the shore and God’s like “when are you going to jump in?”
That’s when it hit me – I have some holdups in my life that keep me from enjoying. I don’t go to the beach to just hide on the shore and watch other people enjoy. I came to get in and enjoy the water for myself! But I can’t do that if I’m hiding on the shore worried about all the wrong things.

God telling me to stop hiding has really challenged me over these last few months. 𝐍𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 for me has shined a spotlight on the many areas of my life where I’ve hid behind fears, doubts, others’ opinions and small thinking. It’s challenging me to not let unnecessary things keep me from what I desire; To live MY full life out in the open! And I know more is waiting for me when I do!

To me, NO HIDING is standing in my naked truth not letting anything, nor anyone, nor any thought keep me from what rightfully what belongs to me.

NO HIDING is being in tune and in touch with my star MF’in player (thank you Katt Williams)!

NO HIDING is not rushing around nor looking for only the easy things, but going through and doing the deep inner work.

NO HIDING is important to me because there’s better when I don’t hide.

If this resonates for you, dive deeper into this NO HIDING season with me and experience freedom like never before! We’re in the second half of the year now, and we already talked about this year being different. Now is the time we act on it. So let’s dive in!


“I AM COURAGEOUS” with Courtney Denise Mon, 20 Apr 2020 01:30:55 +0000 “I AM COURAGEOUS” with Courtney Denise Read More »

When I tell yall sis has one of the warmest and most authentic spirits – I mean it! Courtney Denise has been dropping nuggets of wisdom and light for some time now [check out] and we’re thrilled she decided to share more of her story with us! See her interview below!
What is your name? *

Courtney Denise 
How would you describe yourself? *
As a woman who loves giving & seeing advancement in the life of others.
A lot of times in life, women experience different seasons or stages in life when they may not feel as confident, nor as strong, nor as powerful . Can you describe a time when you’ve felt that way and how you overcame it? *   I felt the least confident in my first long term relationship. It became extremely toxic but I felt so stuck and couldn’t make myself leave. I began to question myself & my worth. I thought, there must be something wrong with me or something I can be doing better that’s to blame for this. I was seeking my worth through the eyes of someone else. I overcame it by giving my life to Christ. By reading Gods word & throwing myself into my Christian walk. I began to discover my worth & value through the eyes of God. I stopped seeking human validation & allowing people to walk all over me. I’ve never felt more confident.

What advice would you give to other women who may be going through a similar experience or season in their life? *  Seek God daily. It may be hard to change over night, although we desperately desire it. As long as you keep building your relationship with God steadily & consistently you’re going to eventually wake up a changed woman.

Today, what are some things you do and/or say to remind yourself who you are, so you can better stand in your power? *    I speak to any insecurities I have. If I have a negative thought like I’m not pretty enough, or my body doesn’t meet societal standards, etc. I fight back with a scripture. For ex: You are fearfully & wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).

We believe one of the most powerful statements someone can make, is an “I AM ____” statement because it allows them to confidently affirm who they are and helps to remind and reassure them. What is your personal I AM statement(s)? *    I Am Courageous.

Buy the “I AM” blouse today!
“I AM A CREATOR” with Trekina Rajeanné Mon, 13 Apr 2020 05:09:59 +0000 “I AM A CREATOR” with Trekina Rajeanné Read More »

We’re blessed to be able to be know AND be inspired by the amazing Trekina Rajeanné ! Her authentic spirit and passion light up every space she chooses to occupy. We’re lucky she chose to share some of that light with us. Check out her interview below!

What is your name? *
Trekina Rajeanné
How would you describe yourself? *
I’m was created to create and add sparkle to the world.
A lot of times in life, women experience different seasons or stages in life when they may not feel as confident, nor as strong, nor as powerful . Can you describe a time when you’ve felt that way and how you overcame it? *I was blessed enough to have 2 sets of parents. But, my life was turned upside down when one of my mothers passed away when I was 24 and then my dad passed away when I was 26. Two months later my now husband asked me to marry him. I was lost and drowning in pain, but everyone wanted me to be happy and excited. I could not shake the heartbreak and depression. No one seemed to understand what I was going through. Everyone wanted more from me than I could give… so I pretended to be okay. I smiled when I was crying inside. It wasn’t until I started having horrible panic attacks that I realized I couldn’t continue like that. I overcame it when God started sending people to remind me that there’s a difference in being alive and living. It wasn’t until I starting doing the things that really made me happy that I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I had been hiding in the dark for too long with a huge bubble around me. I had to chose to see the path that God was lightning for me.

What advice would you give to other women who may be going through a similar experience or season in their life? *
Do one thing a week that truly makes you happy. The world seems heavy when you keep everything in so let it out. Speak your truth so you can be free.

Today, what are some things you do and/or say to remind yourself who you are and to stand in your power? *I pray for God to lead me in the direction that he wants me to go because I know he will give me a life beyond my vision. I also look in the mirror and remind myself that I am strong, beautiful and creative.

We believe one of the most powerful statements someone can make, is an “I AM ____” statement because it allows them to confidently affirm who they are and helps to remind and reassure them. What is your personal I AM statement(s)? * I Am Creative

I was blessed enough to have 2 sets of parents. But, my life was turned upside down when one of my mothers passed away when I was 24 and then my dad passed away when I was 26. Two months later my now husband asked me to marry him. I was lost and drowning in pain, but everyone wanted me to be happy and excited. I could not shake the heartbreak and depression. No one seemed to understand what I was going through. Everyone wanted more from me than I could give… so I pretended to be okay. I smiled when I was crying inside. It wasn’t until I started having horrible panic attacks that I realized I couldn’t continue like that. I overcame it when God started sending people to remind me that there’s a difference in being alive and living. It wasn’t until I starting doing the things that really made me happy that I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I had been hiding in the dark for too long with a huge bubble around me. I had to chose to see the path that God was lightning for me.

What advice would you give to other women who may be going through a similar experience or season in their life? *
Do one thing a week that truly makes you happy. The world seems heavy when you keep everything in so let it out. Speak your truth so you can be free.

Today, what are some things you do and/or say to remind yourself who you are and to stand in your power? *I pray for God to lead me in the direction that he wants me to go because I know he will give me a life beyond my vision. I also look in the mirror and remind myself that I am strong, beautiful and creative.

We believe one of the most powerful statements someone can make, is an “I AM ____” statement because it allows them to confidently affirm who they are and helps to remind and reassure them. What is your personal I AM statement(s)? *“I Am a Creator”

“I AM A CHILD OF GOD” with Lovey Sun, 29 Mar 2020 16:04:49 +0000 “I AM A CHILD OF GOD” with Lovey Read More »

So this one is near and dear to our heart because Mama Lovey was the very first supporter of Relinquish!! It is because of her that we are even here, LITERALLY! So check out these powerful words of advice and truth from our favorite wise lady!

What is your name? *

How would you describe yourself? *
Outgoing, Intelligent, organized, thorough, fun loving, persistent 
A lot of times in life, women experience different seasons or stages in life when they may not feel as confident, nor as strong, nor as powerful . Can you describe a time when you’ve felt that way and how you overcame it? *
Loss of loved ones. Pray, recognize & respect God’s plan, pray, seek support, pray, accept help, pray, keep going and pray some more.
What advice would you give to other women who may be going through a similar experience or season in their life? *
Pray, seek support, accept help. Allow past memories to help get through difficult times.
Today, what are some things you do and/or say to remind yourself who you are, so you can better stand in your power? *
Pray often (I know I’ve said this a couple times, but I mean it) and listen for God’s directions too! I say affirming words too.
We believe one of the most powerful statements someone can make, is an “I AM ____” statement because it allows them to confidently affirm who they are and helps to remind and reassure them. What is your personal I AM statement(s)? *
I am a child of God Almighty!

Buy the “I AM” blouse now!
” I AM ENOUGH” with LaChelle Thu, 26 Mar 2020 16:30:53 +0000 ” I AM ENOUGH” with LaChelle Read More »

We continue the “I AM” project for Women’s Month 2020 and bring to you an amazing woman, wife, momma, fitness enthusiast and one of our personal heroes – LaChelle to share how she stands in her power! Check it out!!

What is your name? *
How would you describe yourself? *
Booked and busy. Always trying to do everything while sacrificing nothing.
A lot of times in life, women experience different seasons or stages in life when they may not feel as confident, nor as strong, nor as powerful . Can you describe a time when you’ve felt that way and how you overcame it? *I thought I was so cute when I was pregnant with my first. Then I looked back at those pictures about a year later and did not like what I saw. That was the kick in the butt I needed to get my stuff in gear. That is when I really started working out regularly. Although I am still not quite sure where I want to be, I have come a long way. Working out has become almost an addiction actually. It is my me time. It is my outlet. It is my therapy. I will never be pregnant again so I know I won’t go back to where I was, but I am still on a journey to see how far I can go.
What advice would you give to other women who may be going through a similar experience or season in their life? *
Consistently is key. Getting yourself in your best shape is a process. A long process. Don’t give up. If you fall off for a little bit do not be hard on yourself. Give your self grace and restart when you are ready. 
Today, what are some things you do and/or say to remind yourself who you are so you can better stand in your power? *
I give myself goals and do my best to achieve them. For example setting PR (Personal Record) goals for running races and going out and rocking my race. Sayings: You are amazing. You are gorgeous. You are a great mom. You are a fabulous wife. 
We believe one of the most powerful statements someone can make, is an “I AM ____” statement because it allows them to confidently affirm who they are and helps to remind and reassure them. What is your personal I AM statement(s)? *
“I am enough!”
