“I AM COURAGEOUS” with Courtney Denise

When I tell yall sis has one of the warmest and most authentic spirits – I mean it! Courtney Denise has been dropping nuggets of wisdom and light for some time now [check out
https://www.courtneydenise.com/] and we’re thrilled she decided to share more of her story with us! See her interview below!
What is your name? *

Courtney Denise 
How would you describe yourself? *
As a woman who loves giving & seeing advancement in the life of others.
A lot of times in life, women experience different seasons or stages in life when they may not feel as confident, nor as strong, nor as powerful . Can you describe a time when you’ve felt that way and how you overcame it? *   I felt the least confident in my first long term relationship. It became extremely toxic but I felt so stuck and couldn’t make myself leave. I began to question myself & my worth. I thought, there must be something wrong with me or something I can be doing better that’s to blame for this. I was seeking my worth through the eyes of someone else. I overcame it by giving my life to Christ. By reading Gods word & throwing myself into my Christian walk. I began to discover my worth & value through the eyes of God. I stopped seeking human validation & allowing people to walk all over me. I’ve never felt more confident.

What advice would you give to other women who may be going through a similar experience or season in their life? *  Seek God daily. It may be hard to change over night, although we desperately desire it. As long as you keep building your relationship with God steadily & consistently you’re going to eventually wake up a changed woman.

Today, what are some things you do and/or say to remind yourself who you are, so you can better stand in your power? *    I speak to any insecurities I have. If I have a negative thought like I’m not pretty enough, or my body doesn’t meet societal standards, etc. I fight back with a scripture. For ex: You are fearfully & wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).

We believe one of the most powerful statements someone can make, is an “I AM ____” statement because it allows them to confidently affirm who they are and helps to remind and reassure them. What is your personal I AM statement(s)? *    I Am Courageous.

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