” I AM ENOUGH” with LaChelle

We continue the “I AM” project for Women’s Month 2020 and bring to you an amazing woman, wife, momma, fitness enthusiast and one of our personal heroes – LaChelle to share how she stands in her power! Check it out!!

What is your name? *
How would you describe yourself? *
Booked and busy. Always trying to do everything while sacrificing nothing.
A lot of times in life, women experience different seasons or stages in life when they may not feel as confident, nor as strong, nor as powerful . Can you describe a time when you’ve felt that way and how you overcame it? *I thought I was so cute when I was pregnant with my first. Then I looked back at those pictures about a year later and did not like what I saw. That was the kick in the butt I needed to get my stuff in gear. That is when I really started working out regularly. Although I am still not quite sure where I want to be, I have come a long way. Working out has become almost an addiction actually. It is my me time. It is my outlet. It is my therapy. I will never be pregnant again so I know I won’t go back to where I was, but I am still on a journey to see how far I can go.
What advice would you give to other women who may be going through a similar experience or season in their life? *
Consistently is key. Getting yourself in your best shape is a process. A long process. Don’t give up. If you fall off for a little bit do not be hard on yourself. Give your self grace and restart when you are ready. 
Today, what are some things you do and/or say to remind yourself who you are so you can better stand in your power? *
I give myself goals and do my best to achieve them. For example setting PR (Personal Record) goals for running races and going out and rocking my race. Sayings: You are amazing. You are gorgeous. You are a great mom. You are a fabulous wife. 
We believe one of the most powerful statements someone can make, is an “I AM ____” statement because it allows them to confidently affirm who they are and helps to remind and reassure them. What is your personal I AM statement(s)? *
“I am enough!”