Just Throw it Away!

Do you ever find yourself repeatedly doing something and every time you get to the end you realize you don’t like it? 
Ok, so I keep buying Starbucks Carmel macchiato coffee creamer LOL. Mind you, I don’t really drink coffee in the first place but on the slim chances I do, I want to reach for this creamer. Now every time I drink coffee with said creamer, I’m reminded that I DO NOT  like the taste of Carmel in my coffee (and not at work when I do those little international delight cup creamers either).
I’m not sure if it’s the packaging and how delicious it always looks/sounds to me or what, but without fail, I do this to myself at least 4 times a year lmao. And all with the same outcome – Lauren does NOT like Carmel flavoring in her coffee. But you know how it is, after you buy it, you feel obligated to use it since you spent money on it 😩 Welp. I’m here to tell myself and you to THROW THAT CREAMER AWAY! Hear me out!
It may not be a coffee creamer for you, but there may be something else you keep trying, using and hoping will work for you (simply because you’ve invested in it), but it’s really just not for you. 
Just throw the sh*t away, love! 
There’s no point in holding space for something that doesn’t serve you. Like my fridge is full right now, but that stupid bottle of Carmel macchiato creamer is just sitting in there taking up space. Whether you’re financially invested (bye bye $5.91), mentally or physically invested, it’s ok to realize you don’t need or want it anymore. I know changing our minds can feel like a big deal, but so what! You’re allowed to change your mind, pivot and go another direction. In this season of NO HIDING it’s important that we don’t hide behind outdated/outgrown things that do no serve a purpose. So here’s you’re reminder that if it’s no longer aligned/does not fit you – throw it away and move on! Trust your truth here – you’re worth trusting!