NO HIDING behind “I don’t know”

Have you ever just answered “I don’t know” just because it’s the easiest answer? I’ve grown so accustomed to doing that, that I’ve developed a really bad habit of NOT taking the time to ask myself what I want. And asking for what you want is such an important part of life! It’s like I’ve grown out of practice and even the simplest things like asking myself what I want to eat feels hard to answer sometimes.

When we don’t ask, we don’t get and you know the phrase – “A closed mouth doesn’t get fed.” So that makes me think – what are we hiding from ourselves that we don’t ask for?

I think sometimes we fall in the trap of feeling like we have to have all the answers, but that’s false. Some answers come over time. You can also make a choice and pivot later too! But just all together not asking yourself is a dangerous pit to fall into. Asking allows us to expand our thinking and dream bigger.

When I’ve taken the time to boldly ask for what I want, I’ve manifested those things! But It wasn’t  just a one and done thing. I took the  time every morning to write down the same list of goals . I also wrote them as if they’d already happened. It’s amazing how writing down goals and dreams allows us to be super intentional about our lives. There’s so much power in being able to advocate for ourselves.

Last year, was my first year writing my goals/dreams out and by the end of the year most of things had come to fruition! We had a baby on the way; We cleared most of the debt; We had our best financial year ever; We worked with coaches/counselors; We grew the Relinquish community and more! Like none of it would have been possible if I were hiding behind believing I don’t know what I want.

I believe that you know what you want too, but you may just need a little encouragment to dive deeper to get it. I’d also challenge you not to play small, but to dream and ask big. Don’t worry I’m still working on asking boldy too, but we can’t hide behind not asking. We’ve got to keep knocking down the barriers that hold us back.

So what do you want, but are not asking for currently?

*If you’re just now joining us, check out the intro video below and be sure to shop our NO HIDING tees here!

Launching the NO HIDING Season

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