NO HIDING – It’s Time to Dive In!

DISCLAIMER: NO HIDING will cause some uncomfortable moments. In fact, whenever we do anything new, it causes some discomfort – it’s foreign and unfamiliar to us! But life is in embracing the changes. So please expect some discomfort and don’t let that hold you back.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s go ahead and get nice and uncomfortable. We gotta dive deeper where better awaits us. I know our natural inclination may be to look externally, but I think this season is calling for us to look more internally. So I challenge us to answer these questions:

  1. What am I hiding inside of me that no longer serves me?
    • Just because something is hidden, doesn’t mean it’s not still there. We need to remove those things that no longer serve us. A lot of times these are the things that we don’t like to talk about or try to avoid. We may feel like they’re gone if they haven’t come up in awhile, but unfortunately they’re still there if we choose not to work through them.
  2. What am I holding space for that I don’t need?
    • Sometimes we unconsciously (and consciously) hold space and give energy to things (i.e. fears, anxieties, old mindsets, bad habits, people…)
  3. Am I hiding any parts of me?
    • Are we omitting parts of our personality, passions, gifts to fit a particular box? Have we tucked small pieces of ourselves away to be more palatable?
  4. Am I hiding behind anything?
    • Most of us are. Fear and anxiety often masquerade as defense mechanisms. But they can easily become the things we hide behind so we don’t have to deal or go further.

I know that got deep kind of quickly, but time is of the essence here! Being able to answer these questions will provide so much freedom. It’ll also probably take some time. I’ve been asking myself these questions over the last 2 weeks and new things keep coming up. So I’d suggest you just start by posing these questions to yourself and also opening yourself up to receive.

Again, it may get a little uncomfortable, but that’s perfectly fine. Just keep asking and allowing yourself to dive deeper.



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