I don’t know about y’all, but I want more love, more peace, more joy, more life, more freedom! I remember setting these intentions at the beginning of the year near my birthday and I heard God say “NO HIDING.

He showed me a vision where I’m standing on the beach on a sunny day and watching everyone else play and splash around in the water. I’m admiring their freedom and fun from the shore and God’s like “when are you going to jump in?”
That’s when it hit me – I have some holdups in my life that keep me from enjoying. I don’t go to the beach to just hide on the shore and watch other people enjoy. I came to get in and enjoy the water for myself! But I can’t do that if I’m hiding on the shore worried about all the wrong things.

God telling me to stop hiding has really challenged me over these last few months. 𝐍𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 for me has shined a spotlight on the many areas of my life where I’ve hid behind fears, doubts, others’ opinions and small thinking. It’s challenging me to not let unnecessary things keep me from what I desire; To live MY full life out in the open! And I know more is waiting for me when I do!

To me, NO HIDING is standing in my naked truth not letting anything, nor anyone, nor any thought keep me from what rightfully what belongs to me.

NO HIDING is being in tune and in touch with my star MF’in player (thank you Katt Williams)!

NO HIDING is not rushing around nor looking for only the easy things, but going through and doing the deep inner work.

NO HIDING is important to me because there’s better when I don’t hide.

If this resonates for you, dive deeper into this NO HIDING season with me and experience freedom like never before! We’re in the second half of the year now, and we already talked about this year being different. Now is the time we act on it. So let’s dive in!
