Relinquished on another level.

It seems Relinquish is still the word to live out this year (and I can’t say that surprises me).
It’s now been 2 years since I started blogging and it’s been a journey for sure. I’ve shared, encouraged and let others in on a different level than I ever have, and it’s stretched me and opened me up to see myself from another angle.
And I suppose God sees it fit to continue this stretching and growing process. So I’ve been learning to push a little further and dig a little deeper. And it’s been a whirlwind these last 6 months. But as I continue to mature and evolve, so does the word and meaning of Relinquish in my life.
And it certainly isn’t just a word I selfishly keep for myself. I happily share it in hopes it resonates with you in a unique and special way.
I’ve talked and written about Relinquish and now I’ve been led to bring it to life in a new way. And y’all, I’ve struggled with doubts, you know…”Is it even good?” “Will people get it?” “Can I afford this?” “Do I have time for this?” “How do I even get a store?” “Am I capable?” etc. I’ve had ALL the questions, but I’ve also always had the answer…Just Relinquish. Set the idea and concepts free and let be! So here goes it!
I introduce to you…